FY24 Submarine Industrial Base: Program Year In Review

BlueForge Alliance (BFA) in partnership with the Submarine Industrial Base (SIB) are pleased to share the Fiscal Year 2024 Program Year In Review. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of the efforts across Supplier Development, Advanced Manufacturing, and Workforce Development across the Submarine Industrial Base. Inclusive of this report is an overview of the impact of the BuildSubmarines.com attraction & recruitment initiatives.
As we reflect on the achievements of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, building off a transformative year in FY23 and the efforts and investments coming into battery since FY18, this past year has been a pivotal one for o the maritime manufacturing ecosystem. Together with our Submarine Industrial Base partners, we have made significant strides in growing productive capacity, increasing capability, expanding the maritime workforce, and scaling advanced technologies that are vital to ensuring our nation’s future security, industrial growth, and economic prosperity.
Throughout FY24, the focus has remained on building one Columbia class and two Virginia class submarines, sustaining our existing submarine force, and meeting our international commitments under the AUKUS partnership. Supply chain capability and capacity, the defense industrial base workforce, and advanced manufacturing underpin our success in each of these areas.
As we look ahead, we still have work to do, but we are doing it from a much different place with an incredibly strong foundation of motivated and mission-driven partners across industry and academia.
We are grateful for the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of all those who have contributed to the uplift and innovation across the submarine and maritime enterprise over the last year, and we look forward to celebrating many milestones and success stories with you in FY25.
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